Monday, 22 October 2012

Never travel without a laptop!!

Our old laptop was in horrible shape. The keys not working, the screen was busted, the battery no longer in use. For all purposes it was desktop. and we were already overloaded in the luggage department. So it made sense to leave it behind right? WRONG!!
Its been two months now, and i am actually missing that sorry excuse for a laptop!!

For those of you who think having an ipad is good enough, think again. the ipad is really good when u want to check your emails, facebook or play games. But once you are wholly dependent on it, you realise it not really all that they make it out to be.

Dont believe me? Try it out yourself.
No uploading pics, no going on flash sites, that means no watching movies unless they r on you tube, not working on resumes. Or doing anything work related, unless all you do is send and reply emails!! Blogger too does not have an ipad app. So i am using the iphone app to write this blog. Which is also why i have been MIA until now!!

Rant over!!!